Fascinating reading and spectacular photography of the natural world.Published by New York’s treasured American Museum of Natural History, Natural History gives a monthly peek into current goings-on in the broad realm of natural history and science. Dinosaur buffs, world travelers, animal lovers, stargazers, birders, and history fanatics alike will find articles and photographs to pique their interests. Less weighty than its chief peer, National Geographic, Natural History takes the armchair traveler into the world of bugs, archeological excavations, and the rest of the universe. Without ever reading like a specialized journal, the magazine creates an intelligent and in-depth discussion of each topic, and articles are illustrated with photographs, drawings, charts, and maps. Perhaps because National Geographic covers so much cultural and physical ground, Natural History features more focused articles on scientific discovery. Still, it’s a glimpse into a vast world, and a good substitute for a monthly visit to the Museum of Natural History. –Gilia Angell
Natural History
• 10 years ago
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